The actress Hit STS “Senyafeda” shared observations about the wardrobe of her heroine, warm relationships with screen children and personal space for her son.

December 7, the fifth season of the spin-off of the “Kitchen” is coming out. During this time, your heroine changed the wardrobe many times. For example, you often wore an overhead stomach, because Marina was pregnant?

One season I myself was pregnant, then another went with a patch belly when my heroine was already pregnant. For a long time I had a free cut outfits on me. But this season, Marina finally began to wear fitted things. For two years I gave birth, I feel great, so at some point I asked the costume artist: “Or can I a tight blouse?”

They say that children and animals are the best actors, because their organics can only be envied. Noted this on the site?

Borya and Cyril have been growing with us for three years and literally, and professionally. At first they were very shy, constantly asked for their mother. But this season they finally realized that on the site I am their mother, albeit on the screen. Together we are comfortable, we support each other and treat them with sweets (laughs).

It seems that your children, daughter and son, are very similar to each other. It is immediately clear that brother and sister. Did you manage to create a touching relationship between them, without rivalry and quarrels?

It’s too early to talk about it, because Lusha is still very small. But I really notice how they love each other. Fedya is a wonderful older brother who always helps. If you need to bring the diaper, he will always run after him. He learned to wear a lush. I think he really likes to take care of his sister. And Lukery, of course, is the queen (smiles). Understands that she is the youngest, so she controls everyone.

Date posted: 13 Kasım 2023 | Author: | No Comments »

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